C-COM's Contract Management Software Features

Compensation Events

NEC’s compensation events place an additional administrative burden on the commercial team, C-COM eliminates the admin by tracking all compensation events, reminding users when action is due, informing them what options they may pursue according to the contract at that particular time, generating contractually appropriate output communications and keeping the compensation event register up to date at all times.

Administer CE’s
  • Once a CE is notified C-COM clearly shows the last action and next step at all times
  • Click next step to see the options available to you at present
  • Select an option and provide additional contextual information C-COM prompts you for
  • C-COM generates and issues the contractual correspondence for you
History explorer
  • All actions performed regarding the selected CE are shown in chronological order
  • Select an action to view additional contextual information provided for the action, supporting documents, authorization audit trail and notified users
  • Actions that were performed late are clearly indicated
Quotations explorer
  • All quotation revisions and options as well as assessments can be seen in one place
  • See what cost saving has been realized from the first quotation submission for a CE
Workflows for delegation of authority and executive sign off
  • Users are informed of authorizations required for actions they are initiating
  • Actions are not executed until authorization has been obtained
  • Authorizers see a list of actions requiring their authorization
  • Initiating users are shown a list of all actions they are waiting for authorization of

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Early Warnings

Either party can raise early warnings by completing a simple form, C-COM generates and issues a contractually appropriate early warning notification, updates the early warning register and facilitates proper management until the early warning is closed out. 

Send early warnings
  • Complete a one page form
  • Attach supporting documents 
  • C-COM generates and issues the EW for you
Discuss the early warning using comments
  • Tag team members in your comments
  • Reply to others' comments
Project manager closes out early warning
  • Project manager updates the status of the early warning


Issue instructions for the contractor to put into effect immediately or request a quotation first. C-COM generates a contractually appropriate instruction, tracks follow-up actions and helps all parties deal with the instruction in accordance with the contract. 

Sending an instruction 
  • Complete a one page form
  • Indicate whether instruction must be put into effect or if a quotation must first be provided
  • Attach supporting documents
  • C-COM generates and issues the instruction for you
Managing the instruction 
  • Discuss the instruction using comments 
  • Quotation gets submitted for discussion
  • Review the quotation and accept to proceed with work 
  • Close out the instruction once work has been completed 

Daily Diary

The daily diary (site daily report) is re-imagined as a collaborative document authored by the contractor daily. Quick to complete and send for approval, it offers daily insight into what is happening on site and a searchable database to be queried days or years later to resolve disagreements and assess claims.

Compiling the diary
  • Construction team members contribute to the shared diary
  • The construction manager makes final changes and sends for approval

Risk Register

The straightforward risk register is used collaboratively with various parties able to add risks and collaborate regarding mitigation strategies. Be made aware of risks immediately and take action to reduce delay and cost.

Creating a Risk 
  • Complete a customizable form including severity matrix
  • Attach supporting documents
  • Set the owner
  • Keep risk updated


Events are added by the contractor when delays or unforeseen circumstances are encountered.

Creating an Event
  • Complete a customizable form describing the event
  • Attach supporting documents
  • Set the owner
  • Keep event updated
  • Discuss with others in comments

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